Order Definitions

v2.4 (March 2025)

The Order Definitions define the product components relevant to the licensing metrics set out in an Order including SaaS Products, Hosted Services and/or Software. When you see these capitalized words as you read through an Order, they have the meanings set out below. 

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1. SaaS Products

(A) Sitecore Personalize

“Personalize Events” mean:

  • Data sent as an API request to the stream API
  • An execution of an inbound personalization API request (Interactive)
  • An execution of an outbound personalization API call (Triggered)

“Non-Production Environment” means an environment used to support but not perform production activities.

“Visit” means an instance where an application (e.g. website or any other software application running on a digital device) is presenting, using or otherwise leveraging content, data or functionality originating from (whether accessed directly or indirectly) the SaaS Product to service a single person within a given Time Frame, where a ‘Time Frame’: (A) is deemed to start when a person first interacts with such application or interacts with such application after a previous Time Frame has ended, and (B) is deemed to end upon the occurrence of one of the following events: (i) the Time Frame is longer than 1800 minutes; (ii) the person is not interacting with such application for more than 30 minutes, or (iii) such application is closed or terminated.

(B) Sitecore CDP

“CDP Events” mean:

  • Data sent as an API request to the stream API
  • An API request against the REST API
  • A single record in a file that is loaded via the batch API
  • A single record that is exported via audience export

“Monthly Tracked Users” or “MTU” means the total number of CDP profiles that are created/updated (via real time or batch ingestion) within a calendar month.

(C) Sitecore OrderCloud

“Order Line Volume” refers to the total distinct number of line items processed across all customer orders.

“Revenue Volume” refers to the total US dollar amount (calculated in USD*) of line items processed across all customer orders, excluding any calculated taxes or shipping charges. *For tiering/sizing purposes, the local currency used in the order will be converted to USD using the Google exchange rate, as of the date of order.

(D) Sitecore Content Hub

“Asset Bandwidth” relates to the delivery of internet/web content (including HTML pages, JavaScript files, stylesheets and images) through a Content Delivery Network (“CDN”). The Asset Bandwidth metric means the total amount of data transmitted and metered on the Content Hub CDN facility.

“Asset Storage” means the physical storage, on disk, of file-based assets in Content Hub such as images, videos, or document files.

“Consumers” mean the total number of registered users who can view and download the following in the DAM: assets, content, product, custom content, campaigns/collections. Consumers can also share assets and make content/asset approvals within workflow tasks. All Consumers will have permission to add/update comments. A user is considered a Consumer if they have permission to do one or more of these activities.

“Development (Dev) Non-Production Environment” means a replica of the production environment designed to be used for development purposes. It has all the capabilities of a Production Environment, but with certain limitations on auditing data storage, number of entities and number of API requests/scripts/triggers/actions per minute. Usage of this environment counts towards overall entitlements.

“Entities” mean units of data that can represent content, assets, products, etc. An Entity consists of a defined set of text-based attributes that are used to describe the entity. An Entity may have one or more associated media files stored in the Asset Storage.

“Full-Non-Production Environment” means a full replica of the production environment designed for use in staging, QA and performance testing. Usage of this environment counts towards overall entitlements per contractual terms.

“Integration Speed” means the rate of requests per minute at which third party integrations can connect with Content Hub through API.

“Power Users” mean the total number of registered users who can manage and modify the following within the DAM: assets, content/content types, product, custom content, campaigns/collections and metadata. This includes the actions create, update, add, delete, lock, submit, publish, archive. Power Users can also execute the same action types (where relevant) on the following within the operations tools of Content Hub: projects, project types, workflows, tasks and task types. A user is considered a Power User if they have permission to do one or more of these activities.

“Production Environment” means the live, operational stage where Sitecore software is deployed and utilized by the Customer and its end users. It is the full implementation of the Content Hub product, processing real data and supporting daily business functions.

“Video Indexing (AI Tool)” means a tool used to automatically extract metadata from video assets for use within the content management experience. This is facilitated through AI capability. Usage is measured through blocks of video hours indexed.

(E) Sitecore Send

“Subscribers” means the number of unique active subscribers (excluding bounced, unsubscribed and archived).

(F) Sitecore Discover

"Permitted Sites" means websites that Customer is authorized (by the website’s owner) to use as the source of web pages, assets, and other intellectual property that may be consumed, delivered, or stored within the Sitecore Products (i.e. excluding any content obtained by crawling or indexing websites without the owner’s authorization).

“SKU count” means the total number of stock-keeping units in the Customer’s inventory.

“Visit” means an instance where an application (e.g. website or any other software application running on a digital device) is presenting, using or otherwise leveraging content, data or functionality originating from (whether accessed directly or indirectly) the SaaS Product to service a single person within a given Time Frame, where a ‘Time Frame’: (A) is deemed to start when a person first interacts with such application or interacts with such application after a previous Time Frame has ended and (B) is deemed to end upon the occurrence of one of the following events: (i) the Time Frame is longer than 1800 minutes; (ii) the person is not interacting with such application for more than 30 minutes, or (ii) such application is closed or terminated.

(G) Sitecore XM Cloud

"Build” is comprised of one or more of the following activities:

  • XM Cloud tenant provisioning process
  • Developer related customization that requires compilation
  • Developer related customization that requires deployment
  • Automatic update related deployment

“Concurrent Builds” means the number of Experience Manager Cloud builds that can operate at the same time. Each Project can have one active Build and deployment at a time.

“Concurrent Users” means the total number of concurrent Experience Manager Cloud users supported across all Production Environments in Experience Manager Cloud. Each Production Environment supports up to fifty (50) Concurrent Users.

“Non-Production Environments” means the total number of non-production environments available to the customer in the Experience Manager Cloud subscription. Each Project has two non-production environments, development and staging.

“Production Environments” means the total number of production Experience Manager environments available to the customer in their Experience Manager Cloud subscription. Customers can have one production environment per Project.

“Projects” represent a collection of Experience Manager Cloud environments where every environment in the Project is related to each other. Within this collection of Experience Manager Cloud environments for a project, only one offshoot is designated as a Production Environment.

“Visit” means an instance where an application (e.g. website or any other software application running on a digital device) is presenting, using or otherwise leveraging content, data or functionality originating from (whether accessed directly or indirectly) the SaaS Product to service a single person within a given Time Frame, where a ‘Time Frame’: (A) is deemed to start when a person first interacts with such application or interacts with such application after a previous Time Frame has ended and (B) is deemed to end upon the occurrence of one of the following events: (i) the Time Frame is longer than 1800 minutes; (ii) the person is not interacting with such application for more than 30 minutes, or (ii) such application is closed or terminated.

(H) Sitecore Experience Edge and Sitecore Experience Edge for Content Hub

“API Call” means any http request to the API / endpoint of the main application (excluding requests made to Satellites), where ‘Satellite’ means an additional location, separate from the central Instance, used to provide optimized upload or download capabilities for additional geographic locations.

“Bandwidth” is defined as data transfer of entities from Sitecore Experience Edge CDN, including any GraphQL query or media file, regardless if the object is cached in the CDN.

“File Storage” is defined as data storage used for the hosting of published entities, such as media files and pre-rendered layout elements, in the Sitecore Experience Edge platform from Sitecore Software.

(I) Vercel

“Vercel Bandwidth” means the total monthly number of bytes of egress traffic served via Vercel’s edge network, including all static and dynamically generated traffic, and bandwidth generated by background revalidation of assets.

“Vercel Concurrent Builds” mean the total number of deployments that can be built at one time.

“Vercel Monthly Infrastructure Units” means a measure of infrastructure consumption for an Enterprise project, encompassing resources like Fast Data Transfer, Edge Requests, and more. They are part of a flexible usage model for Enterprise customers, with charges based on a periodic commitment to MIUs. If this commitment is exceeded, on-demand charges apply. As per https://vercel.com/docs/sitecore/managed-infrastructure.

“Vercel Remote Caching” means the process that allows you to cache build artifacts in the cloud, reducing build times and costs.

“Vercel Serverless Execution” means the total monthly product of time and bandwidth of serverless function execution for producing dynamically generated traffic, including API routes and revalidation, expressed in GB hours.

“Vercel Team Seats/Developer Seats” means that the total number of members who may manage and interact with projects and deployments in the team’s scope on Vercel, as further described at https://vercel.com/docs/concepts/teams/members.

(K) Sitecore Content Hub ONE

“Annual Bandwidth Limit” means the total amount of data transmitted and metered on the Content Hub CDN (Content Delivery Network) facility.

“Asset Storage” means the physical storage, on disk, of file-based assets in Content Hub such as images, videos, or document files.

“Content Requests” means the requests coming into the Content Hub ONE APIs or any customer-provided caching system to deliver content.

“Production Environment” means the total number of production Content Hub ONE environments available to the Customer in their subscription.

"Total Users" means the total number of users who have access to the Customer’s Content Hub One subscription.

(L) Sitecore Connect

“Connection” means a unique authentication into an instance of an application or a database external to Sitecore. Note: Sitecore products are not counted towards licensed connection counts.

“Connectors” means API-based nodes allowing for the transfer of data between software applications through Sitecore Connect which acts as a bridge.

“Consumption” means the number of Tasks executed. Fair usage policy allows for 3 million Tasks per active Connection per year.

“Recipe” means a set of commands to Sitecore Connect that request Sitecore Connect to carry out certain actions across software applications based on the occurrence of a designated trigger event.

“Task” means a unit of work performed every time a Recipe performs an action (e.g., fetch data from an application by making an API call). A task is counted when a recipe requests data from, or performs an activity in an application. For example, search, create, update, get, upsert actions are counted as tasks, while control functions like If, Error Monitor, Stop, etc. are not counted as tasks.

(M) Sitecore Stream

“Interaction” means a single request sent to Sitecore Stream's Gen AI Functionality from the user's interaction from either the Brand-Aware AI (Brand Kit Management) or Generative Co-Pilot capabilities (Brand, Campaign, Content, Experience, Optimization).

2. Hosted Services

(A) Managed Cloud

“Azure Spend” means the cost, in USD, of all hosting components in Customer’s Production Set or Non-Production Set, as applicable, as calculated and reported by Sitecore’s third party service providers, which is subject to change over time (i.e., certain third party service providers may increase or decrease this cost at their sole discretion).

“Azure Spend Commitment” means the amount of Azure Spend, in USD, over which overages will apply, as further set forth in the Order (and any exhibits thereto).

“Customer Applications” means all software and services that Customer uses or offers to its users that access, use interact with, or depend upon the Hosted Services.

“Disaster Recovery” or “DR” means recovery from an event that results in a significant disruption or loss of availability of the Hosted Services’ primary production environment by using an alternate production environment where:

“Basic DR (Cold Standby)” means recovery from a failure of the default Sitecore topologies (for the Software) by creating a new environment in an alternate location and restoring application data from backups; and

“Managed DR (Hot Standby)” means recovery from a single default Sitecore topology (for the Software) environment by using an alternate environment that is already running and prepared to be promoted to become the replacement using data replication.

“Non-Production Usage” means use of the Hosted Services to support but not perform Production Activities.

“Non-Production Set” means a single mutually exclusive online environment hosting the Software exclusively for Non-Production Usage, which is part of a Non-Production Environment.

“Production Set” means a single mutually exclusive online environment hosting the Software exclusively for Production Activities, which is part of a Production Environment.

“Topology Customizations” (also known as “Hosting Extensions”) means one or more of a series of additional Azure resources that can be used to complement the existing Platform as a Service-based topology pattern (if applicable).

“User” means any user of Customer Applications.

If Customer purchases additional Hosted Services (Cloudflare Enterprise), the following definitions will also apply:

“Cloudflare” means Cloudflare, Inc. involved in the provisions and delivery of the Additional Hosted Services.

“Cloudflare Documentation” means all printed and online user manuals and other technical material relating to the Additional Hosted Services made available by Sitecore, as may be updated from time to time.

“Customer Account Information” means the information Customer provides upon subscribing to the Additional Hosted Services, audit logs, and Customer account settings.

“Customer Information” means, collectively, Customer Account Information, End User Log Files and Customer-specific Aggregations.

“Customer-specific Aggregations” means customer-specific aggregated information derived from the End User Log Files (including, without limitation, usage analytics, bandwidth consumption, availability performance, rules, and settings) which is used to provide the Additional Hosted Services. “End User” means a third-party visitor to the Customer parties’ Internet Properties and/or user of any of the Customer’s services delivered thereon.

“End User Log Files” means the raw logs of End User interactions with Customer (and applicable Affiliates, to the extent included in the Permitted Usage) Internet Properties that Sitecore processes on behalf of Customer (and applicable Affiliates, to the extent included in the Permitted Usage) during the course of providing the Additional Hosted Services.

“Internet Properties” means a website or any internet connected application, including any subdomain thereof.

3. Software

(A) Sitecore XM/XP/XC

“Domain” means the combination of a single second-level domain with a single top-level domain, and all subdomains thereunder, as illustrated by e.g., *.company.com, where “*.” represents unlimited subdomains, “company” is the second-level domain, and “.com” is the top-level domain. Domains whose sole purpose is to redirect visitors to a Domain (as defined here) will not count against the total number of authorized Domains. Additionally, domains that allow visitors to access a translated version of content will not count against the total authorized number of Domains. For example, if www.company.au is a direct translation of the site located at www.company.com, www.company.au will not count as an additional Domain, but if www.company.au is both translated and otherwise localized, the domain will count against the total authorized number of Domains.

“Environment” means the Software installed on any number of servers that all point back to a single instance of Sitecore’s main content database.

“Non-Production Environment” means an Environment used to support but not perform Production Activities.

“Production Activities” means the creation, authoring, publishing and/or delivery of digital content to a website, email, mobile visitor or service, including separate commerce, email and/or print capabilities if purchased, and the processing and reporting of Visits for use in xDB.

“Production Environment” means an Environment used to perform Production Activities.

“User” means each individual person concurrently logged into the user interfaces of any installation(s) of the Software for purposes of editing content, site administration, development, testing or such similar actions.

“Visit” means an instance where an application (e.g. website or any other software application running on a digital device) is presenting, using or otherwise leveraging content, data or functionality originating from (whether accessed directly or indirectly) the Software to service a single person within a given Time Frame, where a ‘Time Frame’: (A) is deemed to start when a person first interacts with such application or interacts with such application after a previous Time Frame has ended, and (B) is deemed to end upon the occurrence of one of the following events: (i) the Time Frame is longer than 1800 minutes; (ii) the person is not interacting with such application for more than 30 minutes, or (iii) such application is closed or terminated.